53 research outputs found

    Drawing together multiple lines of evidence from assessment studies of hydropeaking pressures in impacted rivers

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    Hydropeaking has negative effects on aquatic biota, but the causal relationships have not been studied extensively, especially when hydropeaking occurs in combination with other environmental pressures. The available evidence comes mainly from case studies demonstrating river-specific effects of hydropeaking that result in modified microhabitat conditions and lead to declines in fish populations. We used multiple lines of evidence to attempt to strengthen the evidence base for models of ecological response to flow alteration from hydropeaking. First, we synthesized evidence of ecological responses from relevant studies published in the scientific literature. We found considerable evidence of the ecological effects of hydropeaking, but many causal pathways are poorly understood, and we found very little research on the interactive effects of hydropeaking and other pressures. As a 2nd line of evidence, we used results from analyses of large-scale data sets. These results demonstrated the extent to which hydropeaking occurs with other pressures, but did not elucidate individual or interactive effects further. Thus, the multiple lines of evidence complemented each other, but the main result was to identify knowledge gaps regarding hydropeaking and a consequent pressing need for novel approaches, new questions, and new ways of thinking that can fill them.© 2017 by The Society for Freshwater Science.publishedVersio

    Modelling the effect of hydropeaking‐induced stranding mortality on Atlantic salmon population abundance

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    Studies of hydropeaking‐induced stranding mortality on fish populations have been confined to analysis of empirical data and/or short‐term hydraulic‐habitat modelling of individual events and are thus limited as to how they may be used to infer long‐term effects in fish populations. In this study, the effects of stranding mortality on an Atlantic salmon population were simulated using an individual‐based Atlantic salmon population model with the objective of determining the sensitivity of population dynamics to stranding. It was found that density‐dependent mortality (an alternative source of mortality in juvenile Atlantic salmon) partially compensated for stranding mortality, acting as a negative feedback mechanism that dampened change in population abundance. Stranding caused a perturbation in population dynamics, and effects of individual stranding events persisted in time across the life stages of the population. Effects on population abundance depended on the time of year when stranding was applied, both because of intra‐annual changes in stranding mortality probability and because of intra‐annual changes in the ability of density‐dependent mortality to compensate for stranding mortality. We concluded that empirical measurements of stranding mortality have limited potential for inference of overall effects on the population, and a more dynamic modelling approach, incorporating system feedback, allows for a better modelling of the impact of stranding. Sensitivity analysis showed that population abundance was highly sensitive to density‐dependent mortality, and we suggest that this area should be prioritized for further research when investigating the effects of hydropeaking on rivers.acceptedVersio

    Vann, juss og samfunn

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    Society’s use and management of water relies on professional expertise spanning diverse fields: from biology and technology to economics and law. This book examines current issues related to regulating water through chapters summarizing various sets of regulation as well as chapters that take a scientific deep dive into selected themes. The diversity of professional expertise is also reflected in the law aspect. We explore such subjects as surface runoff, natural disasters, drinking water, groundwater, salmon, hydropower, and human rights, as well as general impact assessment requirements and duty of knowledge in environmental law administration. A key objective of the book has been to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of the legal circumstances associated with water, and in addition, deliberate the pros and cons of some of the current regulations. This book will be particularly useful for those who in various ways support and facilitate procedures within the public sector at both the national and municipal levels. It will also be useful for private sector actors seeking familiarity with legal questions that can arise in relation to public administration and other private actors. From a broader perspective, we hope the book can help to throw light on conflicts between different interests and groups within society that occur, for example, when introducing fees, special injunctions against private actors, and requirements for knowledge basis. This book project is the result of legal research conducted at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and is supplemented by national expertise in several areas. It has been edited by Steinar TaubĂžll, a professor at NMBU’s Department of Property and Law. TaubĂžll has a background in both law and the natural sciences, and extensive experience with interdisciplinary work.HĂ„ndtering og bruk av vann i samfunnet krever et faglig mangfold fra biologi og teknikk til Ăžkonomi og juss. Denne boken drĂžfter aktuelle temaer knyttet til rettslig regulering av vann, bĂ„de i form av oversiktskapitler om ulike regelsett og gjennom vitenskapelige dypdykk i utvalgte temaer. Den faglige spennvidden gjenspeiler seg ogsĂ„ innen det juridiske. I boken finner man stoff om overvannshĂ„ndtering, naturfare, drikkevann, grunnvann, villaks, kraftutbygging, menneskerettigheter, samt om generelle utredningskrav og kunnskapsplikter i miljĂžrettsforvaltning. Et sentralt siktemĂ„l er Ă„ bygge opp tverrfaglig forstĂ„else av gjeldende juridiske forhold knyttet til vann, og dessuten sette noen av dagens reguleringer under debatt. Boken retter seg sĂŠrlig til de ressurspersonene som pĂ„ ulike mĂ„ter stĂžtter saksbehandlingen i stat og kommune. Boken antas ogsĂ„ Ă„ vĂŠre nyttig for private aktĂžrer som vil gjĂžre seg mer kjent med rettsspĂžrsmĂ„l som kan oppstĂ„ i forhold til forvaltningen og til andre private aktĂžrer. I et bredere perspektiv er det dessuten Ăžnskelig at boken kan bidra til Ă„ belyse konflikter mellom ulike hensyn og grupper i samfunnet, for eksempel ved innfĂžring av gebyrer, pĂ„legg rettet mot private, innfĂžring av tyngende vilkĂ„r og krav til kunnskap og faktagrunnlag. Bokprosjektet springer ut av den juridiske forskningen ved Norges miljĂž- og biovitenskapelige universitet, og har i tillegg knyttet til seg nasjonal spisskompetanse pĂ„ mange temaer. Bokas redaktĂžr er dosent Steinar TaubĂžll ved Institutt for eiendom og juss ved NMBU, som har naturfaglig og juridisk utdannelse, samt lang erfaring med tverrfaglig arbeid

    Vann, juss og samfunn

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    Society’s use and management of water relies on professional expertise spanning diverse fields: from biology and technology to economics and law. This book examines current issues related to regulating water through chapters summarizing various sets of regulation as well as chapters that take a scientific deep dive into selected themes. The diversity of professional expertise is also reflected in the law aspect. We explore such subjects as surface runoff, natural disasters, drinking water, groundwater, salmon, hydropower, and human rights, as well as general impact assessment requirements and duty of knowledge in environmental law administration. A key objective of the book has been to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of the legal circumstances associated with water, and in addition, deliberate the pros and cons of some of the current regulations. This book will be particularly useful for those who in various ways support and facilitate procedures within the public sector at both the national and municipal levels. It will also be useful for private sector actors seeking familiarity with legal questions that can arise in relation to public administration and other private actors. From a broader perspective, we hope the book can help to throw light on conflicts between different interests and groups within society that occur, for example, when introducing fees, special injunctions against private actors, and requirements for knowledge basis. This book project is the result of legal research conducted at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and is supplemented by national expertise in several areas. It has been edited by Steinar Taubþll, a professor at NMBU’s Department of Property and Law. Taubþll has a background in both law and the natural sciences, and extensive experience with interdisciplinary work

    Hydro-peaking at Tonstad power plant in Norway Modelled effects on currents, temperatures and ice cover

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    Hydro-peaking ing was done by pumping water from Sirdalsvatn to HomstĂžlvatn by night and using it for production the following day. The effect of the hydro-peaking was simulated by mathematical modelling. Hydro-peaking led to considerably changes in water level in HomstĂžlvatn, 3.5 m up and down each day. For Sirdalsvatn the difference was around 3/4 m. Hydro-peaking increased the current speed and current pattern especially near the openings of the tunnels in Sirdalsvatn and HomstĂžlvatn. The vertical mixing was increased throughout the lake. In Sirdalsvatn the hydro-peaking led to reduced temperatures near surface and increased temperatures at greater depths due to increased vertical mixing, especially during the autumn and the first part of winter. The circulation period was delayed and prolonged by a week or two. In Sirdalsvatn hydro-peaking resulted in a shorter period with ice cover. In both Sirdalsvatn and HomstĂžlvatn reduced ice cover formation may be connected to areas near the tunnel due to increased current velocities. Rapid water level changes may break up continuous ice cover along the shores

    Evaluating water allocation within the water-energy-food nexus in the lowlands of Lesotho

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    Vatn er ein av dei viktigaste naturressursane i Lesotho, eit land i det SÞrlige Afrika. Samanlikna med omrÄda omkring har hÞglandet av Lesotho relativ overflod av vatn. Dette gjer at vassressursane i Lesotho er av spesielt strategisk verdi. Lesotho Highlands Development Project, LHWP, dannar grunnlaget for vannressursforvaltning i Lesotho gjennom eksport av vatn til SÞr-Afrika og vannkraftproduksjon. I lÄglandet av Lesotho er det derimot store vass-relaterte utfordringar. StÞrsteparten av befolkninga er busett der og tilgang pÄ vatn er svÊrt variabel pÄ grunn av sesongvariasjonar og mangel pÄ infrastruktur. Det er behov for vassforsyning til menneskeleg forbruk, jordbruksproduksjon og til produksjon av fornybar energi. Effektiv og skÄnsom forvaltning av vassressursane er vurdert som svÊrt viktig for Þkonomisk vekst og berekraftig utvikling i Lesotho. Elva Hlotse ligger den nordvestlige delen av lÄglandet i Lesotho. FormÄlet med denne studien er Ä analysere ulike strategiar for vannressursforvatning og sjÄ pÄ korleis dei kan pÄverke samanhengen mellom vatn, energi og matproduksjon i elva Hlotse. Eventuell pÄverkning nedstraums i vassdraget i elva Caledon er ogsÄ vurdert. OppgÄva er lÞyst ved hjelp av eit modelleringsverktÞy i programvaren Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP). Ulike scenario for planlagd og Þnska framtidig utvikling innanfor forsyning av drikkevatn og vatning til jordbruk er definert og utforska i modellen. Det er ogsÄ sett pÄ effekt av reguleringstiltak som omfattar overfÞring av vatn til elva Hlotse frÄ dammen Katse. Vannkraftproduksjon og kraftverksregulering med magasiner i elva Hlotse er ogsÄ vurdert. Resultata frÄ denne studien viser betydelig mangel, i hovudsak frÄ april til oktober, for framtidig drikkevannsforsyning og vatning til jordbruk dersom forsyninga skal basere seg pÄ direkte uttak av tilgjengelig vatn i elva Hlotse. Simuleringane bekrefter at vassfÞringa i elva Hlotse og Caledon er svÊrt avhengig av sesongmessige variasjonar bÄde gjennom Äret og mellom ulike Är. Dette demonstrerer at det er behov for reguleringstiltak for Ä sikre stabil vassforsyning, og at reguleringsbehovet for Ä mÞte krava ikkje er konstant. Modellsimuleringane indikerer at betydelege endringar i avrenning i elva Hlotse vil gi marginale effekter nedstrÞms i vassdraget i elva Caledon. Simulering av vassoverfÞring til elva Hlotse frÄ dammen Katse i hÞglandet med volum innanfor eksisterande rammer i traktaten for LHWP pÄ 3.75 MCM i Äret er ikkje tilstrekkelig for Ä mÞte framtidige behov for utvikling i elva Hlotse. Dette demonstrerer eit behov for planlegging og vurdering av driftsmÞnsteret for overfÞring til lÄglandet frÄ LHWP. Vidare er det behov for fleksibel overfÞring under ulike klimatiske forhold for Ä mÞte framtidige utviklingsbehov. Det er behov for Ä gjere vidare vurderingar pÄ effekten av leveringssikkerheten av vassforsyning til SÞr Afrika og den tilhÞyrande traktaten. Vannkraftproduksjonen simulert i WEAP for det foreslÄtte kraftverket i elva Hlotse, Hlotse HPP, er betydelig lÄgare enn anslÄtt og funne til Ä utgjere kun 41% av forventa produksjon for det foreslÄtte prosjektet. Resulta viser at magasina planlagt for Hlotse HPP kan gi positive fordelar og betre forsyningssikkerhet for nedstraums interesser, forutsett at utsleppa frÄ magasina blir justert for dette. Usikkerhetene knytta til modelleringa i denne studien viser at innsamling og behandling av data, bÄde i mengde og kvalitet, og implementering av desse i eksisterande verktÞy og planer er nÞdvendig for at slike modellar skal fungere som et effektivt verktÞy. Resultata viser nytta av WEAP-modellen ved Ä kombinere ein hydrologisk modell med allokering av vatn til ulike formÄl. Modellen er vurdert til Ä fungere godt for sitt formÄl, som et supplerande hjelpemiddel for beslutningstaking innanfor vannressursforvaltning

    The Water Footprint of Hydropower Production—State of the Art and Methodological Challenges

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    This paper reviews published estimates of water consumption from hydropower production and the methodologies applied. Published values range from negative to more than 115 000 m3 MWh−1. Most gross water consumption rates are in the range 5.4–234 m3 MWh−1, while most net values are in the range 0.2–140 m3 MWh−1. Net values are often less than 40% of the gross values, sometimes only 1% of the gross water consumption estimates. The extremely wide range in estimates is explained by an inconsistent methodology and the very site-specific nature of hydropower projects. Scientific challenges, such as allocation from multipurpose reservoirs, and spatial assignments in river basins with several hydropower plants, affect the results dramatically and remain unresolved. As such, it is difficult to propose “typical values” for water consumption from hydropower production. This paper points out directions of research in order to prepare a consistent and improved methodology for the calculation of water consumption from hydropower projects. This should take into account the role of reservoirs in the provision of a large range of water services, as well as providing regulated power to the energy system.publishedVersio
